Ignition Interlock Devices, also known as an IID, are required according to Wisconsin Act 100; when a first time OWI offender has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 percent or higher, on all repeat OWI offenders, and on all drivers that refuse a breath or blood chemical test at the traffic stop. An ignition interlock device (IID) is required for a minimum of one year and it must be installed on all vehicles, regardless of vehicle type (car, truck, motorcycle, etc.), driven by the OWI offender. Even if the OWI offender does not own or operate any vehicle, the operating privilege is restricted and if the offender borrows, leases, rents any vehicle, it must be have an IID installed. Failure to comply with an IID order, such as driving someone else’s vehicle, could result in jail time, fines, and an extension on the IID order period.
The courts may allow an ignition interlock device requirement to be waived on certain vehicles if the OWI offender can convince the court that having it installed on another vehicle would cause undue financial hardship. If the OWI offender drives Class D vehicles, those vehicles are never exempt from the IID requirement, must be equipped with an IID, and the court has no discretion to waive the IID requirement. Even if OWI offenders do not drive at all, they cannot wait out IID order requirement period. When an OWI offender chooses to restore their operating privilege, the IID order clock begins on the day the DMV issues the license. To learn more about the IID, IID costs and IID Service Provider Requirements go to Wisconsin DOT FAQ.s on IID.
If you have been charged with an OWI or any other alcohol-related traffic violation, contact the Law offices of Andrew C. Ladd for help.