A new survey by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows significant decreases in drug consumption among teenagers in the United States. Fewer teens are using illegal drugs and many are turning away from alcohol and cigarettes. Illicit prescription drug use is also down.
The annual study, which tracks the behaviors and choices of teens in eighth, 10th and 12th grades, reveals that, aside from marijuana, drug use has dropped to the lowest levels in the history of the survey.
For example, the recent survey reflects that 14 percent of 12th graders reported using illicit drugs, down from 18 percent in 2013. Prescription pain killers saw a 45 percent drop compared to five years ago among the same age group and only 5 percent of high school kids smoke cigarettes daily compared to a whopping 22 percent two decades ago.
The results regarding marijuana were not as promising - the use among older teens has remained steady at about 6 percent. However, the fact that the use of marijuana has not increased, in itself, is encouraging given the wave of legalization across the nation and the message it sends to youth. Nevertheless, the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids intends to keep an eye on marijuana, stating that the daily use rate is unacceptably high as it is.
Overall this is good news for parents across the country. Not only in terms of the health of our children, but also keeping kids out of trouble with the law so that they may enjoy a promising future. If your child or family member has been arrested or charged with a juvenile crime, such as minor drug possession, underage drinking or Wisconsin OWI, it is important to do what you can to help them get back on the right track. Contact our experienced juvenile criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Andrew C. Ladd LLC for help today.