We have all read the unfortunate accounts regarding teens and young adults using social media, email or text messages on their phones or computers to ridicule, harass or threaten others in an act of cyberbullying. In Wisconsin, bullying, including the cyber variety, is sometimes punished under school policy, but it can also be prosecuted under Wisconsin criminal law.
The state may charge a teen or young adult with unlawful telephone use if a telephone was used to threaten or purposefully irritate a victim. It may be something as small as a string of call hangups to harass the victim or sending unwanted prank messages via texting or on mobile social media apps such as Kik or Snapchat. Sometimes teens commit a more serious offense such as threatening to hurt the victim.
If found guilty of the crime, fines may be incurred for less serious offenses; significant fines and time in jail may be imposed for misdemeanors or felonies that often include threats of injury or harm to the victim.
Unlawful use of computerized equipment is very similar to unlawful telephone use. Individuals posting annoying or threatening communications via Facebook, email or other platforms for example, may incur a Wisconsin forfeiture penalty or be charged with a misdemeanor or felony depending on the severity of the bully’s actions. For more information on CyberBulling and what to do about it, visit Stop Bullying.
If you or a family member has been charged with an internet cyberbullying crime, it is important to get the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. If your minor child has been charged with a juvenile crime in Wisconsin, a conviction could translate into loss of student loans, college opportunities and job placement. The consequences may be even worse for a college-aged student.
Since 1987, our criminal defense attorneys located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, have been providing complete, aggressive and experienced juvenile and young adult defense services for drug charges, underage drinking, minor possession of alcohol and internet crimes. In addition, we have a successful record in defending serious felony charges for violent crimes such as assault. Contact the Law Offices of Andrew C. Ladd LLC for help with a criminal defense matter.