Charges have stacked up quickly for a Milwaukee man, who identified himself only as ‘Fonzi’ during a traffic stop. When asked to step out of the car, the man dug himself in a bit deeper by taking off, only to be apprehended when a Good Samaritan pointed out his hiding place under a hot tub in a back yard. He is facing multiple charges including obstructing an officer, attempting to flee or elude an officer, and OWI 3rd offense.
When someone resists or obstructs an officer, interfering with a law enforcement agents attempt to make an arrest, they may be charged with a Class H felony, which in this case involves someone knowingly giving false information or when an individual flees of hides from an officer.
A third Wisconsin DUI OWI conviction may result in a minimum of 45 days in jail to a maximum of one year, plus fines. The higher the BAC, a refusal to take a field sobriety test, or cases where a minor under the age of 16 is in the car, will only increase the consequences. Those found guilty of an OWI Third Offense will have their license revoked or suspended.
When charged with obstruction, it is important to remember that refusal to provide one’s name is not sufficient grounds for obstruction, but providing false information such as “my name is Fonzi” may be. In cases of obstructing arrest, it must be proven that the accused knew the officer was acting under official, lawful authority. A uniformed police officer sporting a badge and driving a marked police vehicle with lights flashing are perhaps the most obvious indication of an officer acting within their official and lawful authority.
When facing Wisconsin OWI DUI, defenses may include showing that the stop was illegal, that the officer incorrectly conducted the field tests, or there were chemical test errors among other strategies. There are a number of defenses that an experienced Wisconsin OWI drunk driving defense lawyer can employ to have Wisconsin OWI charges dismissed or reduced.
If you have been arrested and charged in Wisconsin with obstructing, fleeing or eluding you will need a criminal offense attorney that is experienced and knowledgeable with defending individuals charged with these offenses on your side. Do not speak with the police or prosecutors. Contact the Waukesha criminal defense attorneys of Andrew C. Ladd LLC for immediate assistance as soon as possible at 262-542-3900.