Criminal defendants charged with lesser offenses in Wisconsin may be eligible for probation which allows them to avoid jail if they abide by certain conditions during the period of probation. Failure to do so is a violation of probation, which may result in punishment including incarceration, penalties and fines.
The terms of probation vary, but typically requires that the defendant does not violate the law during the period of probation, that he or she regularly checks in with a probation officer, and does not leave the state without permission. Depending on the circumstances, a defendant may also be required to submit to regular drug and alcohol testing or attend mental health therapy appointments to fulfill the terms of probation.
Stick with the plan, and a defendant may be found to have served a full sentence by the court. However, if a criminal defendant violates the terms of probation by failing a drug test or breaking the law in any way, they may be placed on a probation hold. Following an investigation by the probation officer, a defendant may have their probation status revoked and ultimately a judge will decide if a probation violation occurred after considering the evidence.
Probation hearings can be very complex and a defendant runs a substantial risk of being found guilty, especially if they do not have experienced counsel to represent their interests. If he or she is found guilty of violating probation, the probation may be revoked and the original jail sentence and more can be imposed.
If you are accused of violating your parole, it is important to seek help. Contact the Waukesha parole violations criminal defense law offices of Andrew C Ladd for immediate assistance today at 262-542-3900.