Theft by an employee is not a new phenomenon, however, there has been an increase in the number of nursing and healthcare professionals involved in employee theft crimes. This is in part due to the fact that nurses and healthcare professionals are at a substantial risk of drug addiction because of the nature of their work.
According to a report by the American Nurses Association (ANA), roughly 10% of nurses are dependent on drugs, a figure comparable to the national average. In other words, with approximately 3 million registered nurses employed in the U.S., “almost 300,000 RNs may be substance abusers.” With rates of addiction so high among our certified nursing professionals, it’s no wonder that rates of employee drug theft by nurses has been on the rise as well.
Healthcare Worker Drug Charges
When health professionals succumb to drug addiction, self-reporting is rare due to the stigma attached to using drugs and also a misconception that it is simply a matter of will power that is lacking. Without intervention, sometimes powerful addictions can lead to poor decisions when working in an environment where drugs are readily available.
Contact an Experienced Waukesha Employee Theft Lawyer
In cases where a nurse or other medical professional is being accused of employee theft of workplace drugs, diversion or dilution, it is advised that he or she seek the proper legal consultation as the penalties for such cases is often high. Andrew C. Ladd has over three decades of criminal defense experience defending against charges of employee theft. If you have been charged with or are under investigation for employee theft, call our office as soon as possible at 262-542-3900 to schedule a free and confidential consultation or contact us here.