Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night can prevent the delivery of mail according to the U.S. Postal Service creed, but mail theft is certainly a problem whether at the hands of seasoned identity thieves or an employee.
Recently, a Massachusetts post office employee was arrested after stealing mail from residents along her route, using various credit cards and gift cards on a shopping spree. After several residents reported the missing mail, investigators soon honed in on the postal worker. Cameras secretly mounted in her truck and at the postal station as well as other video surveillance and phone records provided the evidence they were looking for.
One camera installed at the postal station showed the worker putting envelopes in her purse. Video surveillance obtained from multiple gas stations, recorded the worker using stolen credit cards to buy goods. Several gift cards activated on the same evening, linked back to the telephone number the employee listed at work. All told the postal worker purchased nearly $40,000 in goods by the time it was all said and done.
With the holidays upon us, handling mail may present some temptations to workers employed with the post office. There are many valuable items traversing the country and postal service employees have plenty of opportunity to abscond with packages or mail intended for others.
However, there are serious consequences. Any post office employee or officer that embezzles, steals, abstracts, or removes any of the contents of a letter, package, bag, or mail that has been entrusted to them to be conveyed through the mail and delivered may be found guilty of mail theft, a serious felony. If convicted, employees are subject to fines and lengthy imprisonment. A felony conviction will also result in a criminal record, which will wreak havoc on future employment and educational opportunities.
If you or a family member is charged with mail theft or another theft crime, it is important to seek help now. Contact the criminal defense attorneys of Andrew C. Ladd LLC at 262-542-3900 for a free initial consultation to strategize on an effective defense to the charges you face.