A Milwaukee firefighter has been charged with second degree sexual assault by the use of force against a female co-worker.
In Wisconsin, second degree sexual assault (Section 940.225) is generally defined as sexual contact or sex under any circumstances that include the use of threat or force, results in injury, is perpetrated against someone who unable to consent or involves a victim under the care or supervision of the accused or is a subordinate.
If convicted of second degree sexual assault, a class C Felony, an individual can potentially be looking at imprisonment for up to 40 years and a $100,000 fine. A conviction may also result in being placed on the National Sex Offender Registry indefinitely.
Defenses against charges of sexual assault may include consent if the victim is of age to consent, was in a state where consent could be given, and did so through words or overt actions. Other defenses may include pleading innocent to the crime or, in some cases, even an insanity plea may be argued if the accused is mentally ill and did not have the capacity to control his or her behavior, to form criminal intent, or understand their actions were unlawful.
Waukesha Sexual Assault Defense Lawyers
If you are facing a Wisconsin sexual assault charge, it is very important to secure experienced legal representation. Contact the Waukesha sexual assault defense lawyers of Andrew C. Ladd LLC for help today if you have been charged with a Wisconsin sex crime at 262-542-3900.
Source: WISN, Milwaukee firefighter in custody on sex assault allegation, by Colleen Henry, December 6, 2017.