The United States is the world’s largest jailer according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The US has only 5 percent of the world’s total population, but houses a quarter of the world’s incarcerated.
Many believe that this disproportionate number stems from the war on drugs declared back in the 80’s. CNN reports that drug convictions increased ten-fold between 1980 and 1996 and those convicted of drug offenses accounted for more than half of the federal prison population.
Many convictions are the result of non-violent drug offenses, leading to an explosion of incarcerations. This has proven expensive for states and oftentimes turns inmates into hardened criminals with very few job prospects upon finishing their sentence.
Recently, there has been a push for reforms. National bipartisan support for more forgiving policies toward individuals found guilty of nonviolent, drug-related offenses is growing. Since 2007, legislation supporting such efforts has found support in 30 states.
The U.S. President is poised to do his part by granting clemency to dozens of people incarcerated for minor drug offenses. In fact, the founder and president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, believes the Obama administration is trying to make up for the harsh sentences for nonviolent offenses that have become commonplace in the last few decades.
If you or a family member is facing drug charges, you could be facing fines, imprisonment and a permanent criminal record if convicted. Our Waukesha drug crime defense attorneys can defend you against charges that include possession, trafficking, cultivation and manufacturing, possession with intent to distribute and possession of paraphernalia. Call today for help.
Source: Christian Science Monitor, “How is America’s View on Drug Crimes Changing?”, by Sarah Caspari, July 5, 2015.