Legal custody grants the legal authority to make decisions about a child’s education, health and general upbringing. The parent with legal custody can make decisions such as where the child will attend school, what religion the child will practice, and the medical care he of she will receive. Major decisions might also cover matters such as parental consent to marry, obtain a drivers license or join the military. Legal custody is often granted jointly, but sometimes a parent is awarded sole legal custody if it is in the best interests of the child.
If sole legal custody is ordered, the right to make important life decisions on behalf of the children is awarded to ‘one’ parent only. A judge may grant legal (and physical custody) to one parent if the other parent is absent, unwilling or unable to participate in making decisions on behalf of the child, emotionally, mentally or physically abusive, addicted to or abusing substances, or other issues deemed contrary to the best interest of the child.
If you have questions or other concerns regarding Wisconsin divorce, child custody or support, call the Law Offices of Andrew C. Ladd LLC for help. We offer a range of family law services and can help you to acheive a favorable outcome in a divorce settlement.