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Wisconsin sex crimes story involving a couch makes headlines

Anyone that reads a newspaper or keeps up with any form of news has probably come across stories involving sex crimes. There seems to be no shortage of media attention in this area. A recent Wisconsin story involving a man and a couch has also been read about nationwide under the sex crimes category.


The incident began when an off duty police officer came upon a man making a thrusting motion on a couch that had been discarded on the side of the road. Upon first glance it appeared that the man was involved in sexual relations with another individual. When the officer approached the man to investigate it was determined there were no other parties involved. The man fled when approached but the officer had enough evidence to pursue the case.


Ultimately, the man pleaded guilty to public lewdness. Because he pleaded to a lesser charge, he received five months in jail and one year's probation. He was found competent to stand trial after a psychological evaluation. While this can be a hard thing to recover from, the man can now hopefully serve his sentence, receive the help it was stated he needs, and move forward as a productive member of society.


Any Wisconsin resident facing a sex crimes charge may benefit from taking a proactive approach. By knowing the laws and having an understanding of their rights and options, the accused can be hopeful they will receive a fair and appropriate sentence. It is also important to point out that just because a person has been accused, doesn't automatically mean they are guilty. At times an innocent person will find themselves in court just to clear their name.


Source: The Smoking Gun, "Wisconsin Man Pleads Guilty To Couch Sex," June 24, 2013

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